Join us for webinar on
PatSeer Pro X – Como se destacar usando informação diferenciada?
16th September 2021, Thursday, 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM Brasilia Time

Cecilia Häsner
To overcome these limitations, various national and international initiatives are being developed to create sui generis solutions that meet the needs of diverse communities. For instance, WIPO has a committee (WIPO Intergovernmental Committee on Intellectual Property and Genetic Resources, Traditional Knowledge, and Folklore) that aims to establish a fair and efficient system to protect TK.
Sui generis systems allow for communal ownership and customary laws, ensuring that communities’ rights are respected and protected. Databases, registries and documentation are essential to these systems that protect TK and facilitate access to sharing agreements.
Monitoring the utilization and application of traditional wisdom in the patent landscape worldwide helps to stop infringements. AI Patent search engines are extremely useful as they can efficiently search through vast patent databases to spot possible infringements.
Cecilia Hasner is a managing partner of the company PROSPECTIVE Inovação Tecnológica e Ambiental. She has an experience in the use of patents as a source of information, support for research, technological development and innovation, in addition to the preparation of prospective studies. She holds the degree in Doctor and Master in Intellectual Property and Innovation (INPI), specialist in Environmental Management (ULB – Belgium) and her areas of expertise and research are SEBRAE accredited consultant in the areas of Sustainability, Innovation and Legislation Applied to Small Businesses; works in search of prior patents and prospective studies, intellectual property management and innovation, training and qualification in the area of intellectual property, emphasis on biotechnology and has extensive experience in technological development projects in the oil and gas (P&G) sector.
To overcome these limitations, various national and international initiatives are being developed to create sui generis solutions that meet the needs of diverse communities. For instance, WIPO has a committee (WIPO Intergovernmental Committee on Intellectual Property and Genetic Resources, Traditional Knowledge, and Folklore) that aims to establish a fair and efficient system to protect TK.
Sui generis systems allow for communal ownership and customary laws, ensuring that communities’ rights are respected and protected. Databases, registries and documentation are essential to these systems that protect TK and facilitate access to sharing agreements.
Monitoring the utilization and application of traditional wisdom in the patent landscape worldwide helps to stop infringements. AI Patent search engines are extremely useful as they can efficiently search through vast patent databases to spot possible infringements.
Inteligência em Propriedade Intelectual que orienta decisões críticas de negócios – Parceria Prospective/Gridlogics
Descrição do evento: Apresentação e demonstração da versão PatSeer Pro X, uma solução inovadora e inteligente de propriedade intelectual para a gestão da inovação, que inclui busca, análise quantitativo e qualitativo, visualização de gráficos, compartilhamento de projetos, integração de informações, facilitando a tomada de decisão.
Um pouco mais sobre o PatSeer Pro X:
Ferramenta que integra a edição PatSeer Pro com a base PatSeer 360, a qual se refere ao uso de métricas de pontuação exclusivas para permitir avaliações qualitativas das patentes por empresa ou em uma determinada tecnologia. Esta ferramenta permite ter uma visão holística da pontuação de uma família de patentes avaliando seu potencial competitivo, de mercado, legal e de tecnologia em quatro pontuações – Citação, Mercado, Legal e Qualidade intrínseca. Todas as quatro pontuações são normalizadas de acordo com a idade da família e o campo de invenção. A pontuação de qualidade 360° combina essas pontuações em uma única métrica e patentes com classificação mais alta em qualidade 360° tendem a ter uma probabilidade maior de serem usadas para manifestações, licenciamento ou litígio na estratégia de PI de uma empresa.
Cecilia Häsner, D.Sc. Diretora, PROSPECTIVE

English Version
Intellectual Property Intelligence that Guides Critical Business Decisions – Prospective/Gridlogics Partnership
Presentation and demonstration of the PatSeer Pro X version, an innovative and intelligent intellectual property solution for innovation management, which includes search, quantitative and qualitative analysis, graphic visualization, project sharing, information integration, facilitating the decision making.
Presenter- Cecilia Häsner, D.Sc. Diretora, PROSPECTIVE
Date and Time: 16th September 2021, Thursday, 11:00 AM – 12:00 AM Brasilia Time
Location: Goto Webinar Platform
Target audience: R&D, technology professional IP, Information Professionals, Patent Analyst, IP Manager, Technology/Innovation Managers, Competitive Intelligence Professionals, Organizations who need Collaboration across IP.
A little more about PatSeer Pro X
Case Studies
Tool that integrates the PatSeer Pro edition with the PatSeer 360 foundation, which refers to the use of unique scoring metrics to enable qualitative assessments of patents by company or on a particular technology. This tool allows you to take a holistic view of a patent family’s score by evaluating its competitive, market, legal and technology potential on four scores – Citation, Market, Legal and Intrinsic Quality. All four scores are normalized according to family age and field of invention. The 360° quality score combines these scores into a single metric, and patents ranked higher in 360° quality tend to be more likely to be used for demonstrations, licensing or litigation in a company’s IP strategy.