


Actionable IP intelligence for your patent monetization initiatives

Whether you are a small patent-holding company or a large patent aggregator that is purchasing patent portfolios from inventors, SMEs and others for assertion or for defensive aggregation, PatSeer is your go-to patent platform to fulfill your IP due-diligence and research needs.

Information Data of Patents

An AI-driven fully-featured platform you can depend on for all your patent research, analysis and collaboration needs

Information of Patents

Licensing Research

Having acquired a set of patents, your next step is seeking the right licensing contracts or else selling the patent pool to businesses. You need to find the right target firms to license your patents, especially those that already build upon the patented technology. PatSeer provides high quality, up-to-date global patent information, interactive trend analysis across sectors, dynamic technology clusters, R&D investment patterns of companies – all of which can help you decide who may be most interested licensing your IP.

Connected Databases

Assertion Support

With patents being a vital source for “under the hood” data, PatSeer provides a wide range of text-mining capabilities over its global patent content, and this combined with integrated ownership information helps speed-up your infringement investigations. Support collateral such as multi-generation citation maps, claiM tree, or comparison, translated PDFs etc. can be generated with just a few clicks and help boost your productivity.

Patent publication

Buying Patents

You cannot afford to buy patents that are difficult to license or sell. Making an informed decision is critical to avoid potential losses. PatSeer has several parameters like legal status data, Litigation or Opposition data, Patent Transactions, Standards, and qualitative IP metrics to assess the legal, competitive, market and technology potential of a patent family which will help you make an informed decision prior to purchase of the patents.

Patent Pooling

Patent pooling requires extensive due diligence and background research in the technology and products against which the pooling is to be done. The type of pooling – complementary or substitute directly impacts your strategy and effect on the competition. In high-tech sectors, analyzing the interconnections with the standards that may exist and their Standard Essential Patents (SEPs) is also necessary. PatSeer provides easy search options to find complementary patents to the technology area of interest. It combines up-to-date SEP information, corporate ownership, litigation, opposition and analyzable legal status information all of which are critical to your research process.

Patent Solutions

Patent data can be complex, but getting the right answers shouldn’t be

We have solutions for users across the innovation value chain

Whether it’s Patent Search, Competitive Intelligence, Technology mining, or Portfolio analysis, you will find a PatSeer Edition that matches your need irrespective of whether you are a start-up or a large organisation. Talk to us to find the most suitable edition for your current requirements.

Patent Patseer portfolio tracking

We power many of the world’s largest Corporates, Government Offices, Service Providers and Freelancers!

"PatSeer is a great analytics platform to translate data into business insights, which enables informed decision making."


Mr. Manmohan Singh
Frost and Sullivan

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