
Patent Searching Guide

Patent Legal Status Search | Patent Status Search

Patent Legal Status Search | Patent Status Search Patent Legal Status Search is also known as Patent Status Search, Searches to conclude the latest status of a patent/patent application are known as legal status searches. The legal status provides the information on the rights associate with the patent and especially is used to note whether the patent is in force or not. Constant updating of legal status from time to time is essential. Legal status Search also can assist to

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Patent Equivalent Search | Patent Family Member Search

Patent Equivalent Search | Patent Family Member Search Share: Patent Equivalent Search is also known as Patent Family Member Search and looking for members of a certain patent family in another country. This search is directed towards identifying whether a family member of a patent/patent application has been filed in particular jurisdictions. This is often used in light of identifying FTO in a particular country knowing that the patent has been filed or granted in another country. Patent searchers carry

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Freedom to Operate Search (FTO Search) | Infringement Analysis / Clearance Search

Freedom to Operate Search (FTO Search) | Infringement Analysis / Clearance Search Share: Freedom to Operate Search is also known as Infringement Analysis or Clearance Search.To check whether any product or process utilized or carried out by an entity is not infringing on any live patent’s claim. Simply, it is used to ascertain whether there is freedom to operate and invention in a particular jurisdiction from a legal point of view. If an FTO is found to be negative (i.e.

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Patent Invalidation Search | Invalidity / Validity Search

Patent Invalidation Search | Invalidity / Validity Search Share: Patent Invalidity / Invalidation also known as Opposition Study or Patent Validity Study. This is often done by arguing with the patent authorities that the claim(s) of the Patent to be Invalidated (PTBI) at the time of filing was not novel or obvious. The objective of Patent Invalidation is to invalidate or revoke an already registered/ granted patent claims or for a pre-grant opposition of a published patent application claims. Patent

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Patentability Search | Prior Art Search | Novelty Search

Patentability Search Share: Patentability Search is also known as Prior Art Search or Novelty Search. In simple words, a patentability search is directed to searching any reference of any kind which discloses same or similar invention to the invention in question. Now the confusing part is that similarity is often subjective as obviousness is a non-quantifiable concept. Thus, any search is divided into different relevancy criteria such as Relevant, Related, Distantly Related, and Non-relevant based on the extent of mapping

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Patent Landscape Analysis | State-of-Art Study

Patent Landscape Analysis Share: What is Patent Landscape? A patent landscape, as the name suggests is a study which aims to give a single platform overview of a particular field providing multiple insights to decision takers. In simple words, a patent landscape uses a large set of patents to extract relevant information useful for understanding a particular field and all of which is view able in a single file or a dashboard. The insights derived may be one or more

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