


An IP Intelligence platform that does not leave your research to chance

Universities and research labs constantly seek ways to identify novel ideas across their ongoing research that can be patented and then commercialized. PatSeer combines data points from hundreds of different sources across IP, Science, Legal and Corporate to provide your student researchers, faculty, and tech-transfer staff a complete IP research and intelligence platform to support you all the way from invention generation to commercialization.

technical Landscape gauging

An AI-driven fully featured platform you can depend on for all your patent research, analysis, and commercialization needs

Search for potential patents

Scan the IP landscape before investing too much into the research

Don’t waste research funds or grants on ideas that are already taken or that hit an IP landmine when commercialized. Leverage PatSeer to prepare IP landscapes that help you decide the best course of action at each stage of your innovation lifecycle. For research that is already protected, leverage white space analysis tools to ensure you have fenced the core IP properly.

knowledge base universities

Connected data points for superior research Expand

PatSeer combines data points from hundreds of different sources across IP, Science, Legal and Corporate to help you gain insights beyond patents. We integrate the world’s most comprehensive patent collection with harmonized patent ownership, legal status, Litigation or Opposition data, Patent Transactions, Standards and more so that you can focus on insights and not data.

Patent Matrix

Find licensing or open innovation, partnerships to speed up your research

Don’t let your ingenious technologies and inventions get outdated! Find the right partner to further develop your invention and increase the success probability of your invention. PatSeer’s easy to use analytics helps you pinpoint probable partners that can help your inventions reach the market faster.

Get the right insights for your IP commercialization or technology transfer needs

Be it collaborative research, contract research, academic entrepreneurship, you need to search for the correct firm for the commercialization of technology. PatSeer contains wide data of normalized companies and universities, corporate hierarchies, NPE’s that will give you a lot of alternatives to choose from and decide a prospective match for technology transfer

Patent information tracking solution

Optimization of IP portfolio maintenance fees

Whether is time-lapse or activities like licensing and partnership, redundancies can occur in every patent portfolio. PatSeer takes a holistic view to qualitatively and qualitatively assess your IP data to weigh its potential. Multiple qualitative analytics and scoring matrices help give you the right inputs for taking critical licensing-out or abandonment decisions.

Patent data can be complex, but getting the right answers shouldn’t be

We have solutions for users across the innovation value chain

Whether it’s Patent Search, Competitive Intelligence, Technology mining, or Portfolio analysis, you will find a PatSeer Edition that matches your need irrespective of whether you are a start-up or a large organisation. Talk to us to find the most suitable edition for your current requirements.

Valuable Patents Tracking
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