Infographics on Rehabilitation Devices

Meat analogues offer a meat-like experience in flavor and texture. Discover industry leaders’ latest innovations and insights into this growing field, understanding key developments and trends.

Patent Scoring

Patent Scoring in PatSeer

Patent Scoring in PatSeer learn how to assess patent portfolios rapidly and analyze patents to make IP strategy decisions easier using PatSeer’s quality metrics.

Creating a Patentability Search Strategy

Understand the process of conducting a Patentability Search, also known as Prior Art Search or Novelty Search, through this detailed article. It covers creating a Patentability Search Strategy and includes a case study to illustrate the approach before filing a patent.

7 Key Players to Watch Out for in Next-Generation Sequencing

Next-generation sequencing (NGS) is a pivotal technology for determining RNA or DNA sequences to identify genetic variations linked to diseases. This article provides a detailed overview of key research activities and players in this rapidly evolving scientific field.

Guest Post: Is AI disrupting the Indian Healthcare Industry?

Delve into the patent landscape of AI and Healthcare in India with this comprehensive analysis. It covers the healthcare technology applications of AI, government strategies, and the emergence of innovative start-ups shaping the future of healthcare technology.

intellectual property management software

A Quick Guide to Continuation-In-Part (CIP) Patent Applications

In the U.S., a continuation-in-part (CIP) patent application safeguards advancements to an invention previously filed. Essential for protecting improvements, it’s important to evaluate if a CIP is suitable for your specific intellectual property strategy.

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