PatSeer is now the world’s most comprehensive global patent database
Gridlogics expands patent data coverage of PatSeer to make it the world leader in searchable full-text global patent data content and coverage!

PatSeer is pleased to announce a major upgrade to the full-text patent data collection in its patent search platform. With the addition of 15 new authorities, PatSeer now includes 42 searchable full-text patent data collections out of a total collection comprising 104+ authorities.
The new searchable collections make a lot more patent filings searchable and help globally competitive companies to make more informed decisions on their patent strategy in these countries. The new upgrade is part of an ongoing initiative at Gridlogics to make more and more patent data easily accessible in a unified search platform to its users.
The new authorities recently added to PatSeer include Mexico, Eurasia, ARIPO, German Democratic Republic, Israel, Taiwan, Colombia, Monaco, OAPI, Morocco and many CIS countries. PatSeer also provides full-text Machine translations for Patents and Applications from JP, CN, FR, DE, DK, FI, RU, NL and LU including Non-Latin Company name translations and more translated full-text collections are also in the process of being added.
With many industry-first capabilities like dual-family hybrid search engine, Search Recall™, Patent Dashlets® and now the world’s leading coverage, PatSeer is experiencing real growth and powering many large Corporates, Government Offices, Law firms, Service Providers and even freelancers. PatSeer’s clients are currently spread across 28 countries and its user base is expected to grow 3x this year.