Patent Scoring

Patent Scoring in PatSeer

PatSeer scores a patent family by assessing its competitive, market, legal and technological potential. Patents ranking higher on 360° quality are more likely to be used for assertion, licensing, or litigation.

More than 30 parameters used to benchmark each patent family…

More than 30 parameters used to benchmark each patent family…

Metrics for patent family quality

You asked, we listened.

Scores in PatSeer incorporate both age and classification normalisations. We do that because we know you don’t want to compare apples and oranges on the same reference scale

Metrics for portfolio quality

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Portfolio Quality Index

It is the 90th percentile score value across 360º scores for all the portfolio families. Patents in the 90th percentile reflect the portfolio’s most valuable patents as 10% of top patents hold 90% of its value in a company’s portfolio.

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Portfolio Value Index

The IP portfolio value index is the sum of the 360Q scores of all the families in the portfolio. Larger portfolios tend to have higher portfolio value. The score is especially useful for tracking portfolio quality over time.

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