

Using Patseer Pro to Search & Analyze
Patents on Hand Gesture Recognition

This report analyzes research trends for patents filed on Hand Gesture Recognition with a focus on types of Gestures, Input Devices, Sensors, Algorithms and Applications and also highlights the key companies involved in this space.

Based on the search strategy for the technology space, we have viewed, scrutinized, filtered thousands of patents and finalized 5386 records (2953 families). The trend analysis based on the filing date of priority applications shows a maximum number of patent applications were filed during 2012. Despite the fact, Intel appears to be one of the earliest assignees with filings for gesture recognition, but now Microsoft leads the patent count followed by Samsung. In the various application areas of Gesture control, Samsung seems to have the maximum number of records for gaming with approximately 50% of its records concentrating on gaming technologies.

Key companies considered for analysis are:

    • Leap Motion

    • Amazon

    • Oblong

    • Pixart

    • Nokia

Detailed analysis on Blockchain can be found in report below:

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