
Competitive intelligence

Competitive intelligence

Actionable insights to keep your product innovation ahead of the competition

Ignorance is _not_ bliss and can be very expensive in today’s innovation driven economy. Patents provide critical technical information about competitor’s R&D and product innovation. Knowing what inventions are out there and what are upcoming is key to maintaining an edge over your competitors. With a comprehensive set of quantitative, qualitative, automated and text-mining tools, PatSeer helps in revealing business and IP-related insights that are potentially relevant to you.

Competitive intelligence Patseer

The IP-driven competitive intelligence toolbox you need to help make well- informed product decisions

Collaboration 2

Acquire or get acquired

Scan the technology landscape to search for suitable acquisition target or partner who will add value to your business and IP portfolio. Map the target’s patents against your company’s IP portfolio to see if they align to your business strategy or are of any advantage to your business. PatSeer helps simplify the IP due diligence needed for mergers and acquisitions.

IP Search using patsser

Uncover gems and hidden opportunities before others

Extracting the hidden technologies from the text of patents and making it easy to analyse them across large patent datasets can help uncover hidden opportunities and complementary application areas for your research. PatSeer’s technology mining tools, patent to industry mapping tools, multi-generation forward citation analysis, topic maps help uncover these hidden opportunities.

Patent Matrix

Landscaping new or complementary technology areas

Increase your market reach by scanning complementary technology areas and deciphering their competitive landscape. Know who are the leaders, challengers, and visionaries in the space you are interested in. PatSeer provides a compelling range of patent mining and trend analysis tools that can help uncover white spaces and make the right build vs buy choices.

Benchmarking your IP portfolio against the competition

Benchmark your portfolio to know its competitive standing against your peers and whether you are lagging or leading against competitor’s portfolios. PatSeer takes a holistic view of scoring patent portfolios by assessing their competitive, market, legal and technology potential. Use PatSeer’s Portfolio Value Index and other quality metrics to benchmark your portfolio and PatSeer’s 360° Quality to find strongest patents of competitor that can possibly act as threat to your technology.

patent research

Designing the perfect Early Warning System for your organisation

Early warning system is a continuous CI process to be carried out in timely manner to capture threats before it’s too late or too expensive to overcome. Use PatSeer’s Alerts and Projects to monitor relevant IP in technology areas that are critical to your products and identify threats if any, well in time. Take guidance from subject matter experts to review the patents causing threats and come up with a solution. PatSeer’s comprehensive data collection makes sure you don’t miss out on any important filing. Weekly or monthly alerts are automatically added to PatSeer projects, a host of collaboration, notification and tracking options give you complete oversight over the next steps that have been decided for them. You can also setup IP intelligence dashboards over the relevant records for on-demand insights.

Patent data can be complex, but getting the right answers shouldn’t be

Go Beyond Competitive Intelligence

PatSeer takes care of other strategic IP decisions too! Whether you are evaluating the legal strengths and positions held by key players in a technology space, assessing your and your competitor’s offensive and defensive positions or building licensing decisions, you are well covered with PatSeer.

Dashboard Patseer Internal

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"PatSeer is a great analytics platform to translate data into business insights, which enables informed decision making."


Mr. Manmohan Singh
Frost and Sullivan

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