
Research institutes

Research Institutes

Simplifying IP research and intelligence needs of research institutes

The rate of patent filings by research institutes continues to grow every year which poses its’ own set of challenges such as quality assurance, research financing, maintenance of granted patents, finding commercialization partners and so on. PatSeer provides the tools you need to take the right decision at every stage of the journey from research to commercialization.

patseer features

An AI-driven fully featured platform you can depend on for all your patent research, analysis, and commercialization needs

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Evaluate the competitive space and screen your ideas like a pro

Evaluate the competitive space and screen your ideas like a pro

Leverage PatSeer’s powerful analytics and map the IP landscape thoroughly before filing patents in a new research direction. Comprehensive global patent information increases the reliability of your in-house searches. Get definitive answers about technologies used, patenting activity, innovation timelines and key companies or competitors in your area of interest.

patseer features

Out-licensing and Technology Transfer

Find the right partner to license or commercialize your invention before the idea becomes obsolete. PatSeer’s analytics provides many time-saving tools to help you narrow down the list of firms or universities that are most likely to license or purchase your inventions.

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Open innovation and collaboration

Finding the right partner accelerates your invention towards commercialization by way of integration into new or existing products. PatSeer helps you find out which firms and universities are collaborating in large patent datasets with a click of button. You can also leverage applicant type filters to narrow down partners of a particular type such as hospitals, firms, universities, governments, etc.

Easy access and dissemination of IP knowledge for researchers

It is extremely easy to get overwhelmed by surplus information if you look in the wrong place! PatSeer’s Explorer Edition is a simple and efficient patent research solution that provides researchers the tools they need to become more productive. Its’ keyword and semantic search options enables people to make better search choices and speed up decision making with filtering and analysis tools.

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Insights for research financing

Fundamental research requires project financing through grants so your research should be backed by thorough IP due diligence data. PatSeer provides a one-stop research platform with unmatched coverage and a range of compelling charts and analyses to help you showcase the merits of your research with confidence.

Patent data can be complex, but getting the right answers shouldn’t be

We have solutions for users across the innovation value chain

Whether it’s Patent Search, Competitive Intelligence, Technology mining, or Portfolio analysis, you will find a     PatSeer Edition that matches your need irrespective of whether you are a start-up or a large organisation. Talk          to us to find the most suitable edition for your current requirements.

We power many of the world’s largest Corporates, Government Offices, Service Providers and Freelancers!

"PatSeer is a great analytics platform to translate data into business insights, which enables informed decision making."


Mr. Manmohan Singh
Frost and Sullivan

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