


Breakthrough patent research platform for the Innovation economy

Innovation-driven organisations require strong patent research management systems, access to comprehensive worldwide patent data, quick insights and means to collaborate effectively with all stakeholders over ongoing patent projects. PatSeer provides a one-stop platform that meets all these needs (and more!) to help streamline and manage all your patent workflows.

Patent landscape for corporates

An AI-driven fully featured platform you can depend on for all your patent research, analysis and collaboration needs

Patent search icon

Search global patents with confidence

PatSeer provides a high-quality global patent collection that is daily updated with the latest feeds from patent offices across the world. Gain the flexibility you need with its no-compromise search engine. You can safely trust PatSeer for a variety of searches ranging from novelty and invalidity to FTO searches.

Corporate Patent Network

Connected data points for superior research

PatSeer combines data points from hundreds of different sources across IP, Science, Legal and Corporate to help you gain insights beyond patents. We integrate the world’s most comprehensive patent collection with harmonized patent ownership, legal status, Litigation or Opposition data, Patent Transactions, Standards and more so that you can focus on insights and not data.

Patseer Corporate solution

Insights to make the right Ideation choices

Continuous innovation is a necessity to maintain your technology advantage over the competition. Use PatSeer’s powerful integrated analytics, specialized scoring models for competitive scanning of technological space, to pin-point white spaces, to optimize patent portfolio, to find licensable art within your portfolio, and suitable licensing opportunities.

Insights for commercialization and/or exploitation

Get the right insights to power your M&A, licensing, or portfolio optimization decisions. With real-time qualitative and quantitative assessment of patent portfolios, powerful charts to visualize and compare their strengths and weaknesses, PatSeer provides the insights for making well-informed business decisions

Corporate Patent Search
patseer patent solution for corporates

A complete patent knowledge management solution

Juggling between many ongoing patent projects can be tedious. Create and manage any number of projects effortlessly with PatSeer. Enrich raw content with your organizational fields, capture value-added data points. Manage user inputs, feedbacks effortlessly. Create a unified patent project management environment integrating all the various resources, functions and people involved in the process.

Collaborate securely and effectively with others

Share and collaborate on projects across departments within your company or with third-party organizations to get their perspective. PatSeer allows you to share multiple interactive dashboards with different teams while having complete control over access and security.

patent solution for corporates

Worried if your feedback will ever see the light of the day?

Switch to PatSeer and get your requested capabilities in less than 60 days!

We have solutions for users across the innovation value chain

Whether it’s Patent Search, Competitive Intelligence, Technology mining, or Portfolio analysis, you will find a PatSeer Edition that matches your need irrespective of whether you are a start-up or a large organisation. Talk to us to find the most suitable edition for your current requirements.

Corporates usage Patseer
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