E-Book on Patent Searching and Analytics – A Guide to Practical Patent Searching with Patseer
Gridlogics unveiled new e-book on Patent Searching and Analytics, which will be a practical guide to patent searching with an eye on how to use PatSeer for Patent Search and Analysis. The book gives attention to practical approach and elaborates various practical examples and how to deal with them. The book will serve as a guide to the art of Patent Searching and how you can use PatSeer for your patent research.
The intended audience for the book is anyone who understands the fundamental aspects about Intellectual Property and has some background knowledge of various patent authorities, patent families and patent information fields.
At present there are sparingly few books that talks about Patent Searching and Analytics being map to decision making, with that in mind team PatSeer decided to conceptualize a comprehensive guide for IP, business and legal community.
As with the advancement in Patent Searching field and introduction of new patent databases, we are planning to modify and enhance the content in subsequent editions.The book is available as an eBook only and is available for free by signing up here: https://patseer.com/book-on-patent-searching/
Book Synopsis
The eBook is divided in two sections: Section I covers basics and importance of patent searching, types of patent searching, different search strategies for different types of search projects and mapping patent searching to business objective while Section II talks about PatSeer as a patent database, its content, different search aids, result view, analysing results, and other project management and sharing features. The book also includes information about PatSeer’s many unique capabilities.
Chapter 9 Creating a Search Strategy Example 2 – FTO Search
In the second example, let us understand the search strategy preparation for a Freedom to Operate (FTO) study in the field of Biotechnology, where the focus area of the search need not be a specific invention but a broad based invention area which may extend to several inventions.
9.1 Understanding the Invention Area
The invention area involves an artificial tissue obtainable by the following method of preparation:
a) To add a composition containing fibrinogen to isolated cells;
b) To add a fibrinolytic agent to the product resulting from the previous step;
c) To add at least one coagulation factor, a source of calcium, thrombin, or any combination thereof to the resulting product of the second step;
d) To add a polysaccharide composition to the resulting product of the third step;
e) To grow isolated cells in or on the resulting product
9.2 Restrictions
Freedom to Operate, typically involves a date restriction to restrict the set of results to last 25 years since only live and enforceable patent documents are to be considered as potentially relevant to the scope of an FTO. Thus, considering patent terms timelines and factoring in patent term extensions, only patent documents with filing date/priority date extending back to 25 years are searched for an FTO.
Also, FTO is geography specific and thus specific jurisdiction restriction is applied on the search strings. For the purpose of this study the jurisdiction of our search would be GB i.e. Great Britain, for which patents of GB and EP shall be considered relevant for the study.
9.3 Identifying patent classifications
To identify the relevant Patent Classifications, the same approach as mentioned in Chapter 3 is taken, and the following IPC were identified.
Relevant IPC Codes Identified
S.No | IPC | Classification Details |
1 | C07K 14/745 | … Blood coagulation or fibrinolysis factors |
2 | C07K 14/75 | Fibrinogen |
3 | C12M 3/00 | Tissue, human, animal or plant cell, or virus culture apparatus |
Since EP and GB patent documents shall not be classified by the USPTO the search will not involve US classifications.
9.4 Developing the search strategy
For this example, an alternative approach…..to read more download the ebook now