
10x your productivity with PatSeer’s AI Capabilities!

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The AI co-pilot that assists you at each stage of research

Custom-trained LLM-powered AI search that delivers greater search precision and accuracy
Gain quick, clear insights into patents with AI summaries, saving 90% of review time
Auto-classifies records based on your taxonomy and learns from the feedback
Easily zoom into the precise subset of results using AI to refine
Get help with your Boolean searches using the AI recommender to ensure you don't miss any relevant records

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Increased Customer Satisfaction

Over 38 countries trust PatSeer, thanks to its dedicated support team and a growing family of over 8,000 happy customers.


Improved Efficiency

Advanced AI integration makes us the only platform with true AI + Expert search capabilities that deliver superior search results with high accuracy and recall


Reduced complexities

By combining Expert search  with AI search, users are far more confident of not missing out on a relevant record

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PatSeer's Transformative AI
Search - All you need to know

Our exclusive webinar unlocks 50x value: PatSeer’s GPT Patent Search redefines speed, accuracy, and relevance.

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