In this series of case-studies, we aim to demonstrate the effectiveness of PatSeer’s AI search against invention descriptions from different fields of science by undertaking a manual evaluation of patents claims of top 10 search results against the input paragraph. 

In our previous case study we did a benchmarking on OLED (Organic Light Emitting Diodes) related patents. In this case study we take a topic from medical devices domain – Ingestible Sensors.  

Ingestible sensors are non-invasive devices that can take the form of a capsule and can contain a wireless sensor for undertaking various diagnostic and monitoring functions. They have a wide range of applications in the field of healthcare.  

To test PatSeer’s AI search, we wrote a sample invention description of an ingestible sensor that contained the following key elements: 

Key elements:

1. Ingestible sensors 

2. Bodily function check  

  • Heart rate,  
  • Blood pressure 

3. Key Components  

  • Sensors,  
  • Data recorder,  
  • Software 

4. Wireless transmission of data 

5. Real-time monitoring 

We ran the above paragraph, and the AI Semantic search evaluation was done for the first 10 records that showed up in the result set against the elements mentioned above.  

The approach we used to do this benchmarking was the same that we used for the first case study about OLED technology which is to manually assess how well the claims of the top 10 record aligned with the key elements mentioned.   

To explain this further, the table below showcases the detailed manual evaluation of the first record that showed up in the semantic search (US2017156632A1- INGESTIBLE DEVICES AND METHODS FOR PHYSIOLOGICAL STATUS MONITORING) 

Key Elements  

Claim Numbers matched 

Reference from the claim  


Ingestible sensors 

1-16, 25   

Ingestible device 

Full overlap 

Bodily function check – Heart rate, blood pressure 

5, 12, 17, 19, 20, 22 

Heart rate   

Full overlap 

Key Components  


Acoustic sensor, processing unit 

Full overlap 

Wireless transmission of data 


Wireless device   

Full overlap 

Real-time monitoring 

1, 17 

Monitoring system  

Partial overlap  

The table lists all the elements mentioned in the paragraph, followed by the patent claim numbers in which the corresponding elements appeared. The next column shows the exact text from the patent claim that was matched against the key element. For e.g, ingestible sensors was matched with Ingestible device), the key components of an ingestible sensors usually include a sensor, data recorder and software which was matched with acoustic sensor and a data processing unit, and real time monitoring was matched with monitoring system.  The fourth column indicates the extent of overlap between the paragraph and the claims of the patent document. 

We can see that all the key elements mentioned in the paragraph were precisely covered in the claims of the first record identified through the AI Semantic search. 

A similar analysis was done for the remaining set of records. We have consolidated all the results in a single table below.  

We graded the records based on the overlaps, 1 point was assigned for full overlap, 0.5 was assigned for partial and 0 for no overlap. Based on the calculations done the final semantic performance score for the top 10 results in this case was 77%. 

Key Elements
Patent NumberTitle of the patentIngestible sensorsBodily function checkKey ComponentsWireless transmission of dataReal time monitoring
US2017156632A1Ingestible devices and Methods for Physiological Status MonitoringFull OverlapFull OverlapFull OverlapFull OverlapPartial Overlap
TW202000133AAn ingestible system to monitor gastrointestinal health in situFull OverlapPartial OverlapPartial OverlapFull OverlapFull Overlap
WO2022220317A1Ingestible health sensor for animalFull OverlapPartial OverlapFull OverlapPartial OverlapPartial Overlap
US2017337330A1Systems, devices, and methods for ingestible event sensing and analysisFull OverlapNo OverlapFull OverlapFull OverlapFull Overlap
US2016198978A1Ingestible sensor, sensing method, and foodFull OverlapPartial OverlapPartial OverlapPartial OverlapPartial Overlap
US2008146871A1Ingestible low power sensor device and system for communicating with sameFull OverlapPartial OverlapFull OverlapFull OverlapFull Overlap
US2013261410A1System and method for body and in-vivo device, motion and orientation sensing and analysisFull OverlapNo OverlapFull OverlapFull OverlapPartial Overlap
US2002132226A1Ingestible electronic capsuleFull OverlapPartial OverlapFull OverlapPartial OverlapPartial Overlap
US2004054278A1Ingestible pillFull OverlapNo OverlapFull OverlapPartial OverlapNo Overlap
US2014162305A1Patient in vivo gut diagnostic and treatment toolFull OverlapPartial OverlapFull OverlapFull OverlapPartial Overlap

You can refine original search results based on records that you identify as highly relevant and these additional steps help improve result quality further but, in the above study we benchmarked the results without any such refinements. 

To sum up, it’s important to make a detailed assessment of semantic search performance by using your own invention descriptions. In our approach we have benchmarked the invention description against claims of patents. We will follow soon with additional case studies from other domains. 

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