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AI Search

AI powered patent searches with comprehension understanding or semantic similarity

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AI Summaries

Gain quick, clear insights into patents with AI summaries, saving 90% of review time

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AI Classifier

Auto-classifies records based on your taxonomy and learns from the feedback

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Easily zoom into specific results using our search refinement

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AI Recommender

Search precise patents using AI-powered Recommender, ensuring no records are missed

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AI Assistance

PatAssist can provide answers on the technical content of individual patents or on all patents within your projects efficiently and accurately.

Patent Search

Introducing AI-powered Industrial Design Search

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Increased Customer

Over 38 countries trust PatSeer, thanks to its dedicated support team and a growing family of over 8,000 happy customers.



The latest AI integration makes us the only software with AI + Boolean search and has improved the relevancy and accuracy of the search results



With AI as your patent search partner, complex tasks and processes have been simplified and streamlined

Feedback and Testimonials

We tried to make test requests for semantic search and got quite outstanding results! In one case, in less than a minute, we were able to find an obstructing analogue that an American patent attorney couldn't find before and make a conclusion about the non-patentability of the invention. That's quite commendable.

Yesterday, I found a novelty-killing prior art in PatSeer that I couldn't find elsewhere. I have shown this to the team, and some people have started testing semantic search in PatSeer.

My personal experience with the tool is very good. The semantic search accuracy and shortlisting are excellent. The search within options and filters, along with the quick search, are helpful in quickly eliminating false occurrences. It's better than other tools providing semantic search.

I have started using the new AI search capability, and I have to admit, as someone who has been cynical about these services in the past, this appears to work well.

Excellent patent database. PatSeer has provided maximum patent analytics features. The non-Latin translation and semantic search of patents are very accurate. The project option is like a cherry on top.

PatSeer's Transformative AI Search - All you need to know

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